Managing Wait Lists
Wait lists are used by instructors and departments to manage enrollment in courses. Some instructors or departments require students to join a Wait list before the cap is reached. In these cases, the instructor or department will manage entry to the course over the registration period. Please check departmental websites for additional information about Wait list management.
Managing Wait Lists
This auto-fill wait list setting allows students to enroll in a course as seats become available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students will see their position number on auto-fill wait lists in Vergil.
All courses will be defaulted to this wait list setting in Vergil.
This wait list setting allows students to join a wait list where instructors must manually add students to the course. Instructors who wish to use this setting must select the self-managed wait list setting in Vergil.
If a spot opens up in a course, faculty can personally decide which student on the wait list gets into the course based on any criteria they want to use. For students on the wait list, they will be asked to provide evidence they meet an instructor’s custom criteria. If satisfied, the faculty member will admit the student into the course, this action will automatically register the student in the course, and the student will receive an email confirming their enrollment.
When instructors are finished adding students from this wait list, no further action is required. However, instructors should use the deny button on the wait list to let students know when there is no possibility of admission to the course so they don’t keep students waiting unnecessarily.
Course Capping
This wait list setting will allow students to add the available course until the cap is reached; after the cap is reached, the wait list turns on and becomes self-managed. With this setting, students will not see a position number in Vergil.
- If an instructor or department wants to set up a self-managed wait list that prevents students from freely adding an available course before the cap is reached, contact the department administrator and request that the course is blocked from adds on Vergil.
Please note that limited registration over the cap is accepted. However, accepting students over the course cap will not result in a larger classroom assignment.
- Go to Vergil.
- Log on using UNI and password
- Click on the link entitled Class List.
- From the Class List, click on the Wait List link that corresponds with the course you want to view.
- Here faculty may change from Automated List to Self-Managed List.
- The Message Form allows you to display a customized message to all students.
- Students who are wait-listed automatically are given priority based on the system time stamp.
- Click on Student PID to display student information such as Major(s), Concentration(s), and Total Credits Earned.
- To add a student to the course, select Approve, which will process a student's registration for the course. Select Deny to deny student registration for the course.
If you need assistance, contact your Academic Department Administrator(s).
The wait list tool will close on Friday evening at the end of the Change-of-Program Period of the fall and spring semesters.