

The Office of the University Registrar actively and directly supports scholarship, teaching, and learning at Columbia University in the City of New York. Our work is the foundation of academic life throughout the student life cycle and supports the transmission of knowledge guided by the principles of integrity, collaboration, communication, and singular client focus.

The Office of the University Registrar will be a vital and strategic organization by supporting the academic life of the University through innovative technologies, collaborative engagement, and extraordinary support services.

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New Registrar Website

The Office of the Registrar is pleased to announce its new and improved Registrar website and calendar tool and the retirement of the CUIMC-hosted Registration and Enrollment Services site.

Profiles of the Month

Mathematics Postdoc Receives Dissertation Prize and Inaugural Thesis Prize. 

Anthropology Professor Wins 2023 Feminist Anthropology Career Award. 

College Senior Named 2024-2025 Churchill Scholar

Mechanical Engineering Professor Wins Franklin Institute Award

Zuckerman Institute Scientist Wins Prestigious Brain Prize

College Senior Awarded Postgraduate Scholarship to the University of Cambridge

Art History Professor Leads International Jury for 60th Venice Biennale.

Women’s Basketball Senior Drafted to Connecticut Sun

English Professor Wins Lionel Trilling Book Award.

College Freshman Wins Gold for Lions Archery

Michael Zheng CC’26 Selected as ITA Player to Watch

Nursing Professor Honored by Eastern Nursing Research Society

PhD Candidate Receives Grant from The Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy

History Professor Awarded International Prize from Herzog August Library

GSAAP Professor Wins Paris Design Award for Architecture Refurbishment

College Senior Honored by Udall Scholars Undergraduate Program

Microbiology and Immunology Professor Wins Molecular Parasitology Award

College Senior Named Beinecke Scholar Pursuing Sociology

College Senior Wins Women’s Cross Country Individual Title

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Senior Research Scientist received the Edward A. Flinn III Award from the American Geophysical Union

Law Professor Honored with Humanitarian Award

SEAS Senior Named 2025 Marshall Scholar

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