Welcome to the Office of the University Registrar
The Office of the University Registrar provides academic and enrollment services to support students, faculty, staff, and alums at Columbia University.
What Do We Do?
Services provided by the Office of the University Registrar include:
Registration & Course Enrollment
The Office of the University Registrar manages course registration and enrollment services for most Schools across the University, incorporating and addressing the range of policies and practices.
Student Service
The Office of the University Registrar directs and maintains two Student Service Centers that support and enhance the student experience: the Morningside Student Service and ID Center and the Registration and Enrollment Services Center for the Irving Medical Campus. The Morningside Student Service Center is responsible for all inquiries relating to course registration and enrollment, academic transcripts and certifications, Student accounts, tuition assessment and fees, and refunds. The ID Center directs and manages comprehensive ID Card services for all Faculty, Students, and administrative staff on the Morningside campus. CUIMC Registration and Enrollment Services, located on the Medical Campus, is the Student-facing operation responsible for managing registration activity as well as enrollment and withdrawal processing for Medical campus students. The Center also responds to all inquiries related to registration and enrollment.
Course Management
The Office of the University Registrar manages curricular development and the production of the semester course schedule for all Schools.
Classroom Scheduling
The Office of the University Registrar manages classroom scheduling for most Schools based on the Morningside campus.
Statistical Reporting
The Office of the University Registrar is responsible for the submission of enrollment and degree data and summaries to both federal and state reporting agencies. In addition, the Office is responsible for the preparation and submission of enrollment and degree data to the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the National Student Clearinghouse. Data analytics staff in the Office of the University Registrar also perform ad hoc and systematic data reporting and analysis, manage data, and ensure data integrity.
Enforcement of Federal, State, & University Requirements & Policies
The Office of the University Registrar is tasked with enforcing FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) requirements across the University in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel. The Office also collaborates with the Provost’s Office of Academic Programs for the central administration of academic programs, maintains CIP (Classification of Instructional Programs) code assignments, and is responsible for developing and implementing the Student Records Retention policy.
Academic Calendar
The Office of the University Registrar develops and maintains the academic calendars for almost all Schools across the University.
Grading & Exams
The Office of the University Registrar implements and oversees the various grading systems and scales for almost all Schools across the University. In addition, the Office schedules final examinations for the Faculties of Arts and Sciences and Engineering.
Graduation, Commencement, & Diplomas
The Office of the University Registrar oversees degree audit, degree clearance, and diploma distribution for students from all Columbia Schools.
Verifications & Certifications
The Office of the University Registrar is fully responsible for the production of academic transcripts and certifications of enrollment, both digital and print, for all students from all Schools of the University.
The Office of the University Registrar provides central oversight and support of the Admissions processes for the various Schools of the University thereby ensuring that applicant data is accurately processed and integrated with the University’s Student Information System.